The body uses food to fuel and repair itself. Eating a proper diet ensures the body gets enough nutrients to stay healthy for a long time, which is why it is so important to start eating right at a young age. Since their bodies are still growing, children require a slightly different diet than most adults. Here is a breakdown of what your kids should be consuming daily to keep their body healthy.
Nutritionists recommend that children consume roughly 60 percent of their calories through carbohydrates. To get the most nutrition out of the food, it is best to eat only unrefined complex carbohydrates. These foods are rich in vitamins and fiber. They will also prevent unnecessary sugar rushes caused by consuming refined carbs. Brown rice, fruits and vegetables should be the go-to sources of carbs, and be wary of sugary cereals that advertise themselves as a “part of a healthy breakfast”.
A growing child’s body needs to have 30 percent of their diet consist of healthy fats. Eating a lot of fat may sound a little scary, but consuming the right fats actually helps reduce bad cholesterol. It will also help the body absorb more vitamins, boost cell production and protect the vital organs. Nuts, fish, peanut butter, and avocados are all great sources of healthy fat.
The final 10 percent of your child’s diet needs to come from protein. This is a vital nutrient in the body because it helps build and repair tissue. Protein is a key component in a healthy immune system. Make sure your child is consuming their protein from lean cuts of meat, beans, eggs, and fish. These foods will also help boost your kid’s iron levels, which is a crucial nutrient most people do not get enough of in their diet. Iron is a crucial component of the red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.
The beverages your kid drinks with their meal are just as important as the foods on their plate. It is best to only give them water and low-fat milk. This will limit their caloric intake while also providing important nutrients. The low-fat milk is essential for children because it is one of the ways they will get calcium and vitamin D in their diet. Fruit juice may seem like another healthy beverage choice, but it can be actually loaded with sugar.
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