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The Benefits of Vitamin A

· Vitamin A,vitamins,minerals,NatureCity

Vitamin A is an essential vitamin found naturally in several staple foods such as dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and liver. The body needs the vitamin for immune functioning, reproduction, vision, growth, and body and organ development as well as cell recognition. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to several problems in the body.

Problems associated with vitamin A deficiency include high risk of infections, fertility issues, night blindness, delayed growth in children, and skin and hair issues. Today we’re going to be talking about the benefits of vitamin A.

Boosts Immune Function

Vitamin A plays an essential role in boosting the natural defenses of the body. It helps in the production of white blood cells and their functioning. The white blood cells help in capturing disease-causing microorganisms in the blood and destroying them.

Vitamin A also maintains mucous barriers in the lungs, eyes, and gut, which traps infectious agents. Also, it has been shown that vitamin A helps in decreasing the risk of deaths through malaria and measles in affected countries.

Aids in Reproduction

Vitamin A promotes healthy reproductive systems in both males and females. Studies have shown that vitamin A deficiency blocks sperm development in men, causing infertility. In women, deficiency leads to low-quality egg formation or even implantation in the uterus.

Improves Vision

Vitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy cornea and improving vision. The beta-carotene in vitamin A slows down the decline in eyesight. It also contains rhodopsin, which helps with night vision when there is low light.

Growth and Development

Vitamin A is important in fetal growth. It promotes the growth and development of the main structures and organs of the child, such as eyes, heart, nervous system, pancreas, lungs, and even bones. However, too much vitamin A during pregnancy can lead to malformations to the unborn baby.

Cell Recognition

Cell recognition is how cells communicate and provide a specific response to one another. Vitamin A is essential for glycoprotein synthesis, which is important for cell recognition and aggregation.

Healthy Skin and Hair

Vitamin A promotes the growth of tissues, including hair and skin tissues. It also aids in sebum production, which helps maintain moisture levels in hair and skin.

Vitamin A is vital for normal organ and body functioning. A healthy diet should incorporate vitamin A, which can be found in fruits, vegetables, and dietary supplements.

This article was originally published at